And the revolution begins

Revolution. Revolution is the only word with which I can begin this endeavor for, make no mistake, we are in the midst of a second American revolution.

Surely this is unlike any revolution the world has seen before. This is not a group of citizens wanting to overthrow a government in order to gain more freedom or avoid unwanted taxation or draconian laws. This is not a revolution of citizens versus their government. This revolution delves so much deeper. This is a war for the very soul of America. It is a war of patriots versus the self-styled moral aristocracy. It is a war of those who believe in self-determination, free will and pe


rsonal responsibility versus those who would have heteronomous obedience to political correctness. In short, this is a war of those who believe in the ideals this great country was built upon versus those who desire a moral

dictatorship where all words, beliefs and actions have been predetermined by an aristocratic class of moralists.

Like the liberal dictatorships they strive to emulate, the moral aristocracy, represented by the liberal left, largely controls the media. There is no shortage of media outlets proselytizing their politically correct zealotry. Only through the few true journalistic outlets left, talk radio, social media and blogs can we dream to stop the that zealotry from being the zeitgeist of our time. Since the election of Donald Trump, the moral aristocracy has become unhinged. One cannot watch, read, or listen to the news in the current climate without questioning the voracity of every word. The days of journalistic neutrality are long gone. Hell, the days of journalists pretending to be neutral are gone. The media has but one goal now: to destroy the budding revolution, personified by President Trump, and return to the imperialism of political correctness.

It is with all this in mind that I start this blog. For too long I have sat on the sidelines watching the slow degradation of our society. Oh sure, I complained to friends and family and made the occasional wise-ass social media post. However, that is no longer enough. It’s time to dig deeper. It time to call the moral aristocracy out on their hypocrisy. It is time to illuminate their attempts at cultural imperialism. It’s time to end the reign of the politically correct moral aristocracy.

Lest you believe my parents were nomads who wanted to name their child after their way of life, I must confess my name is not Wandering. Nor is my surname Whig. For reasons of occupational prudence, I have decided to use a penname that represents, in some small part, who I am: a PC assassin wandering the world in search of political sanity. Plus, it sounds cool.

I will, however, tell you a little about my real self. I am married with three children. I hold two graduate degrees in psychology.  I live in a purple state in a very blue region of the country. I was a ward of the state for a large part of my childhood and grew up in six different families including biological, foster and adoptive homes. I experienced abuse I would not wish upon my worst enemy. I stood victim to countless well-meaning bureaucrats following policies that damn near destroyed me. With all that I spent the first 20 years of my career working with disadvantaged and disabled children and their families.  These things have informed my political leanings deeply. To add a little more flavor that you will, no doubt, come to learn, I am a self-assured wise-ass who loves to laugh and make others laugh and (only occasionally) loves to verbally disembowel those of the moral aristocracy.

Stay tuned …the fun has just begun.