Friends, I have been avoiding writing about all the sexual harassment allegations mostly out of disgust and because its not funny: Weinstein, Moore and Franken walk into a bar … just won’t end well. The subject doesn’t really lend itself well to jokes and sarcasm. Well, it does but only in a highly inappropriate, tongue-in-cheek, locker-room talk sort of way. Whoa …whoa … whoa … don’t get all judgy with me. If you are a guy (that means a person born with a penis and identifying as a male member of society with a penis) there’s a pretty good chance that you have been watching the news lately, looking back over your past behavior and wondering if you will have to issue the newly formed deny-pology where you both deny the parts of the behavior that can’t be proven and apologize for the behaviors that can. And hold on a minute, ladies, you shouldn’t get judgy either. I’m guessing that more than a few of you are looking back at your own behavior and wondering if you have contributed by flirting and encouraging such behavior only to use your feminine powers of prerogative to shoot that poor guy down after raising his hopes. See … I told you.
Back to our story.
Whenever a new allegation comes to light I keep coming back to two points of thought: 1) Not all allegations are created equal; 2) When the hell did our form of justice become “believe the accuser” with or without evidence? Let’s take these one at a time, shall we?
Let’s look at three recent allegations. Harvey Weinstein is accused of sexually harassing women verbally, masturbating in front of them, grabbing various parts of their bodies and raping them through coercion for decades. He has had 90+ accusers and his sexual deviance was supposedly “well known” throughout Hollywood. It is reported that he had a clause in his contract that guaranteed he wouldn’t get fired for sexual harassment. Roy Moore is accused of, in effect, stalking young teen girls why he was in his thirties. Two of the accusers were 14 at the time of the alleged behavior. One woman accuses him or trying to initiate sexual contact, one of assaulting her and one of groping her. The rest allege he asked them out or dated then when they were teens between 14-18. Al Franken, is accused of groping two women. There is photographic evidence of him groping one whilst she slept.
Are these three allegations the same? Do they even belong in the same paragraph? Weinstein is clearly a sexual predator. I know he hasn’t been found guilty yet but … come-on! 90? And there is evidence of several settlements in his past. He has, appropriately, been fired from his company and is now a pariah and will forever be a meme for the sanctimonious left. He will be dealt with by the courts. Personally, I would love to see Antifa perform a peaceful march through his anal cavity. Roy Moore is a different story and one I find that challenges my concepts of morality and rule-of-law. Morally, I think there is nothing worse than a person who would sexually assault a child. As Ivanka Trump has said, there’s a special place in hell for those scum. That said, the part of me that believes in the rule-of-law must look at the laws. The age of consent in Alabama was and is 16. Two of his accusers were under the age of 16. One 14-year-old said he asked her out, but her mother said no. They other accuses him of some weird sexual behavior at his house. The rest claim he asked them out or they dated him. One of those accuse him of sexual assault in a parking lot behind a restaurant. Of the several allegations against him, two can be considered assault by the rule-of-law. Those two allegations have not been proven and there has been no convincing evidence thus far. He has not been found guilty in any court and he denies all accusations of assault but offers dubious responses to his proclivity for teens when he was in his 30s. Personally speaking, any man in his thirties who wants to date a young teen girl is no kind of Good Christian. I would never vote for him, but he still has the right to stay in the race. Let Alabamians decide. If, after the election, he is found guilty of something or convincing evidence comes out, he can be removed from office. As to Al Franken, the allegations agai
nst him do not rise anywhere near the same level as the others. That is not to say his behavior is acceptable because it is not, but it is not assault to the level of the others. I would love to see him out of the Senate because I think he is an amoral sanctimonious idiot, but he should not be removed for the behaviors of which he is accused. The only evidence of his behavior is the picture and that woman has said she accepts his apology-type-thing and will not press charges. That is her choice. The other woman has not pressed charges and most likely will not. That too is her choice. With any luck, he will step down or not run again because he has been knocked of his salt pillar of sanctimony. He has always been a joke, now everyone is in on it.
I admit I am relishing in watching the sanctimonious (there’s that word again) Moral Aristocracy crumble into the abyss of their own creation. The party of woman … the party of 72 genders …the party of the vagina hat, we are finding, treat those women, genders and vaginas horribly when they would have us believe Republicans are waging a war on women. The veil of their hypocrisy has been torn down and is currently being inserted deep into their…well you get the idea. I can’t help but wonder what will happen with the female and transgendered-goat vote next cycle. But, in my glow of I-told-you-so I have to step back. I must put the current headlines through the rule-of-law filter. When I do, I don’t like what I find. Try it yourself.
Step back and think about something for a minute … unless you are sitting, in which case you should lean back and look up into the air as if you are pondering deeply: the media, and us by extension, have become judge, jury and executioner based on nothing but accusation and conjecture. Let’s face it, in this partisan world, we want to believe at face value any allegation against the party with whom we do not identify. Every new headline alleging sexual misconduct we take as a guilty verdict. People are being fired based on allegation. Careers are being ruined and reputation permanently tainted. Members of congress are actually saying that we must start believing the women. Believing. Not proving. Not investigating. Just believing. Our great country was not based on accusation but instead on verdict. A person is innocent until proven guilty. Lately we have skipped the presumption of innocence. For that matter, we have skipped the proven part of the guilty. If it’s in the papers we don’t trust or on the news we don’t trust, we jump right to guilty if its an allegation against our political opponents.
My friends, you know I don’t like to preach, but this has got to stop. We must return to the rule-of-law and avoid mob-rule. We are after all, not Antifa. People deserve their day in court or at least an investigation by their employer. After those things have concluded we can delight in their downfall. We can rejoice in the beheading of the Moral Aristocracy.