Thankful to be Whiggy

Friends, it is common practice to think about what we are thankful for on this day. I am no different … well I am, but not when it comes to this! I hope you will indulge me in a little Whiggy Time:

I am thankful for my three amazing children. They never cease to amaze me with their accomplishments, their drive, their hearts, and their ability to think for themselves and see through the liberal curtain thrown over their heads every day. They are loving, thoughtful, caring, positive, talented and independent. No father has been more blessed than I.

I am thankful for Mrs. Whiggy. No husband can be prouder of his wife. Her accomplishments are beyond measure, yet she has remained humble throughout. She is my best friend, my partner, my biggest pain in the butt (don’t tell her) and the love of my life. I know I do not deserve her, but I strive to be a better husband and person everyday just to get a little closer to deserving.

I am thankful for the opportunity to write this blog. I cannot tell you the thrill I get from the positive feedback. Even from some of the not so positive feedback. I love being me, being honest and being ever so slightly a wise-@ss. I have stopped political conversations on Facebook for many reasons (Please share on Facebook). Here I get to say what needs to be said without fear of retribution or losing fake friends.

I am thankful for a job that allows me to support my family comfortably as well as pay for two kids in college all the while contributing something to society in a positive way. Every day I know that I am doing good for the world.

I am thankful that I have so many friends who are willing to engage in friendly political debate without getting personal. I am especially thankful for my many liberal friends who, while wrong in every way, make concerted efforts to back-up their arguments in an intelligent and informed manner.

I am saddened that both of my parents have passed but I am undyingly thankful and grateful that they saved me from a world of abuse, pain, neglect and rejection when they adopted me as an 11-year-old. They taught me to love, to forgive and to take responsibility when warranted. My mother taught me to swear at the TV during sports because it helps. My father taught me to swear and throw things when building/fixing things because it helps as well. They were not perfect, but they were perfectly what I needed.

I am thankful for the tumultuous childhood I had. I would not wish my experiences on my worse enemy, but I would not change any of it. Not the physical, sexual and mental abuse, not the neglect and malnourishment as a baby and not the abandonment. Those things made me who I am. I learned who I was and who I never wanted to be. Those experiences gave my children a better father and my wife a better husband.

I am thankful that I was wrong about Donald Trump. While I still am not the biggest fan of HOW he does things, I am a big fan of what he is doing. I love having a President again, who loves our country and wants to tear down the moral aristocracy.

Finally, I am thankful to have been born in this great country. I have been blessed to see the very worst we have to offer and the very best. These things have made me appreciate everything we have to offer. A day does not go by that I do not thank the Lord that I am an American.

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