GUEST COLUMN: Feminism versus Femininity: A Lady’s Manifesto (by Rachel)

Friends, from time to time, fellow patriots and readers of Whiggy talk to me about wishing they could publish their own thoughts. I believe most people should get that opportunity. Therefore, I will occasionally open up WanderingWhig for guest column. If there is enough interest we may have a weekly Guest Column by a variety of readers. This is the first Guest Column by fellow patriot Rachel. Read and enjoy! 


What is feminism? One mustn’t look further than the common unopposed definition: The advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of equality of the sexes. What about femininity? This is defined as the quality of being female or womanliness. These two words sound the same, but have drastically different meanings. The “feminist “of today’s age don’t quite fit the definition. Current female citizens of America have every right available to men. We obtained the right to vote in every state in 1920 with the ratification of the 19th amendment. We can, if we choose, tackle any career path imaginable. Yet in 2017 feminists’ thirst for power isn’t quite quenched. I believe feminists don’t fully understand the movement that they have become & one can’t fully understand a “feminist,” until observed in today’s culture. Take a look at any website geared toward women, magazines, women’s marches, or women’s conventions. Speakers like Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Linda Sarsour, and various Hollywood elites have taken the position once held by trailblazing suffragettes. Feminism meet Pop culture, eat your heart out America!! Feminists are no longer women; but masculine women that despise men, men that speak on behalf of women, women that ignore sexual predators, and those that expect, no, DEMAND free birth control. I am woman, hear me roar! How the hell did we get here? How did we become such hateful creatures, supporting and/or ignoring actual oppression of women? Hillary Clinton took less then one day to condemn guns after the recent Vegas shooting, but five days to comment on Harvey Weinstein. Saudi Arabia, where ALL women have male guardians, was elected by the UN to “protect women’s rights.”

Linda Sarsour and the Women’s Marches exiled pro-life groups from participation; and every attendee either wore a pussy hat or a hijab, ironically, the most oppressive fashion statement possible. So why do women let such people lead them to “equality?” I’ve developed a theory.

Flashback to grade school. Every little girl dreams of being a fairytale princess, with her very own prince charming. Reality sets in around puberty, and when no “prince“ has his eye on you, you have two options. Feminism vs Femininity. You either decide boys are evil, your mother is literally your father’s slave, and Miley Cyrus is the only person that understands you, or you blaze through; Knowing one day, those legs will lengthen, your period will start, your hips will fill out, and the boobs will come.

If you are living in America today, your first, personal experience with feminism, is probably with that hateful English teacher or the butch softball coach. What you might never realize, is that English teacher is utterly miserable, and that softball coach, is more than likely a lesbian.

FeminismIf you happened to pick up the pieces in adolescents and survived through high school, you are again presented with two choices. Feminism vs Femininity: In college, a barrage of masculine women suffocates you, screaming “shout your abortion,” they say no matter how you look, how much you weigh, and despite your lack of hygiene, you are a beautiful person, and the world has wronged you. Well who wouldn’t enjoy that? Right? Oh, how wonderful it is to become a feminist. You chop off your locks, die your hair, cut off hygiene completely, and pierce your nose. For cinematic effect, you shout “Fuck all men!” You resent your mother for cooking for your father, and that chip on your shoulder can’t be knocked off quick enough. No more make-up, dresses, or uncomfortable shoes. You can eat whatever you want, go wherever you would like to go, and do whatever and whoever u want to do. You soon learn sex is meaningless, men, and the occasional woman, are simply for your pleasure. Men are to be used, and thrown away, just as they have thrown women like you away for years. You put a high price on career paths and hold on to personal autonomy like a life preserver in an ocean of humans searching for their path. If you get pregnant, no worries, $500 and one miserable weekend will take care of that mistake. Now, even though you haven’t quite experienced “pleasure” yet, and can’t remember the last time you smiled, you continue through the motions. You take home whatever boy glances your way, because it’s so “empowering,” to have meaningless sex, yet you still aren’t quite happy. Why aren’t you happy damnit!? You have what you want and do what you want. As a feminist your heroes become Hollywood stars like Madonna, and Ashley Judd or strong female political figures, like Hillary, Maxine, Nancy (Pelosi, not to be confused with Reagan.) You fully support women’s rights, Planned Parenthood, abortion on demand, and free birth control. After all, a good feminist detests motherhood. You embrace the cackling hens just dying for a good cock to come along.

Feminism wants to empower women, but only certain “progressive women,” and only if you fit into their man hating box, resent your reproductive organs, and shame men into submission, all while denouncing the ultimate equalizer, guns. Feminists have become the least feminine creatures. Housewives make them regurgitate, while happy housewives, make them positively suicidal. Why would any woman endure such oppression? Right! Right?

Well, what about that second option, Femininity? Why not embrace femininity and modesty? Granted, it might not be “progressive,” but could it actually be empowering? You might not have as many notches on your belt, you might not know penicillin treats more than strep throat, and the mere thought of abortion might make you cringe. Only one boy catches your eye, and instead of numerous one night stands, you decide to invest in one particularly lucrative investment: Your future family. You wear the makeup, dresses, high heels, and shower daily. You pluck your eyebrows, brush your hair, and shave your legs. Soon enough that one boy asks you on a date. Modesty is simple and eloquent. You dress like you respect your body, and you say no, to the first few advances; if he sticks around he MIGHT be worth your time. But, your no easy gal, you know & understand why men don’t take easy girls to meet momma, and they sure don’t marry them. To the contrary, a feminist would screw and/or transform everyman into soft-spoken beta males if they could. They just can’t face simple truths; Men were made to be masculine, women to be feminine, women want masculine men, and men want feminine women, not a feminist. They want feminine women to cook them dinner, raise their children, and kiss them goodbye as they go to work. Men, have u ever met a feminist you’d like to marry? date? Or even stand next to in a crowded elevator? Ladies, the answer is NO!

The two distinct choices bring women to a precipice of their future lives, and remember, you only get one life! No re-spawns, redos, or take backs. Feminism vs Femininity. Feminists end the succession of life as miserable hags telling everyone how happy they are, all while living alone, cradling cats and dogs as poor substitutes for children, binge eating ice cream and crying during romance movies. Look no further then Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman, and Chelsea Handler, just to name a few. How do you suppose their lives will end? Liver failure, depression, suicide? Feminists hate femininity and resent their reproductive organs, as if they were cursed by God. I read that Lena Dunham once said she wished she’d had an abortion, just so she could relate to other feminists that had. There is something deeply depressing by that statement, and nothing better characterizes a feminist’ mind.

Feminists want to empower women! Right? Ladies, ask yourself this. What could possibly be more empowering then having the opposite sex open all your doors for you? Yet this is labeled “sexist.” (Believe me, he knows you’re fully capable of opening a door, he’s being polite, walk through the damn door like the Cleopatra you are!) Or carry heavy items at your beck and call? But this is “demeaning.” The thought process is heavily flawed.

All men secretly want a wife to care and love them, and all women secretly want a husband to cuddle up to at night. A woman’s nature is to be soft, loving, caring, and compassionate; The actual job description of being a wife & mother.

Motherhood, in contrast to feminism, is the better sequel to femininity. I advise you, not from disdain, but from love, experience, and gratitude. I yearn for all women to know true happiness in life. I am a former despondent CEO, current jubilant housewife. I thoroughly enjoy my life, cooking dinner, dressing up, kissing boo-boos, changing diapers, reading bedtime stories, and doing laundry, well, maybe not so much changing diapers and folding laundry, but you get the point. After pondering on why a woman would choose feminism over femininity, I’m confronted with the possibility that jealousy and envy may be the reason women like me are the targets of such hatred from feminist women, while I only feel commiseration for feminist. Not all women can, or must, be wives, or mothers to be fulfilled in life, but most do.

God made the first woman, for a man, NO, not for him to dominate, but because he needed her as a companion, lover, and friend. Men, in return, are to bring women love, happiness, and pleasure. Why else would we be the only creation that can have multiple orgasms? Feminism has become unnecessary in America. We were empowered by America to vote, and choose whatever life we desire, we are equal to men, in the eyes of law, it has accomplished its goal. Yet they persist in America and totally ignore other countries, like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, where women desperately need classic feminism. In America, married women are sexual goddesses to our husbands, in Pakistan, they are property. Women were empowered by God with the gift of creation, and there is nothing more beautiful then holding your creation in your arms. You haven’t experienced real happiness unless you have kids waiting on you when you return home. There is utterly, no greater fulfillment in life then raising a child. You don’t know partnership until you marry your best friend. You haven’t lived until you drink a glass of wine and clean the house.

My husband works 60 hours a week, to come home and hand me his paycheck, just so I can stay home all day, to raise our children. What else could possibly be more empowering, or show more love and respect? Ahh! Therein lies the difference. I am absolutely, unconditionally, and infinitely loved! Feminists are generally hated by everyone they with whom come in contact. Feminist have become shrewd hateful witches that have pushed everyone away. Feminism isn’t about equality anymore, it’s about domination. American women are fortunate to have a choice, Feminism vs Femininity, in other words miserable masculinity vs happiness and fulfillment.

In closing, my advice to all young girls, is to become a soft, modest lady. Encourage beauty, and graciousness. Find one great man, deserving of your wonderful qualities, get married, and enjoy being a mother. Please your husbands and enjoy the appreciative return in pleasure. Above all, embrace femininity. You can thank me for a happy life later.