I Might be a Bad Person but I’m not Alone

I have been a dyed in the wool New England sports fan for my entire life … you are welcome. I am not one of these fair-weather fans that have only liked New England sports since we won 73 titles in a week and a half. I remember the Patriots of the 80’s when they sucked and their 1 and 15 season was considered a triumph. I remember the Great Chicago Raping in Superbowl XX. Hey, don’t get all upset about me using the word “raping”. What would you call it? Richard Dent quite literally made Tony Eason walk bowlegged for the rest of his alleged career. I remember Bill Buckner that $#^&%&#&*^ and %&*&E#* and also %()#(((&! Enough said. I remember the last great decade of the Celtics with the original Big Three and back when the Bruins were perennial heavyweight challengers. They even played hockey now and then.

But rooting for your home team is only part of the New England sports fan legacy. You see, we are …how do I say this? Assholes! Oh, shit did I just swear on national TV? This isn’t national TV? Oh, then who cares? Part of being a New England sports fan is an ingrained hatred for our rivals. In fact, a great deal of the time we hate our rivals more than we love our teams. Especially in those years when our teams suck. The Yankees are the devil. No, the Yankees are the ugly step-sisters of the women the Devil rejects because they are too ugly. Was that sexist? See! The Yankees are sexist too! The Montreal Canadians are the more polite and less tanned version of the Yankees. To this day I cannot go to Montreal without taking a  … in the streets. TMI. Don’t even get me started on the Lakers! I have been wishing for the San Andreas fault to blow since 1986. But, like most Californians it’s too damn lazy. And then there are the Jets. I mean, they are the Jets. What’s to like?

My point is that I was raised as much on hate and loathing as on love and loyalty. Damn, I may need to see a therapist … or at least get on some good drugs. I’ll be right back … in lieu of drugs I have poured myself a nice Lagavulin 16. Ahhhh… What was my point again? Oh, that’s right hate, love, blah blah.

“Whiggy,” you ask yourself “why are you telling us this? And BTW the Patriots suck!”

What have I told you about calling me Whiggy and 5 rings baby!? I’ll let it go this time. I am telling you this my dear readers because I find myself in a similar situation in the political realm right now. I confess, I was not a Trump supporter. While I agreed with many of his policy stances I had a hard time with the way he comported himself. Reagan, to me, was the perfect picture of a President. He was regal and professional even when he was telling us that we were bombing the hell out of the French Embassy … I mean Libya. However, as a good New England sports fan, even when my team isn’t exactly what I want, I still have the capacity to hate the rivals and defend my team.

I equate the Democrat Moral Aristocracy to the Yankees. They both dominated for decades, they had some of the biggest names in the game and they had more money than anyone elsechappaquiddick. Sure, they also both had their share of accused druggies (Darryl Strawberry – Mayor Marion Berry) and rapists (Mel Hall – Bill Clinton) and murderers (Jim Leyritz – Ted Kennedy), most of whom suffered little to no consequences, but they were still both perennial winners for decades. And every time they won another game, won another election or got acquitted of another crime I hated them more and rooted all the more for the Red Sox. Perhaps there was a slight tinge of jealousy as well.

One cannot help but to equate the media to the Montreal teams of old, they were among the dirtiest players in the game, they hated their country, and most couldn’t get jobs doing anything else. Those great Montreal teams, like the modern media, were made up largely (but not completely) of barely literate thugs who could dish it out but ran crying to the refs when they themselves got hit. Every dirty hit, every fake dive, and every protest to the ref led me to hate them more and love the Bruins tenfold.

Fast forward to today. Liberal Yankees still spend a ton of money but they have nothing. Their leadership runs on Viagra and self-masturbation, their big-name players cry when the wind blows sideways and they have no bench. I lost track. Was I speaking of the Yankees or the Democrats? Oh wait, it doesn’t matter. The description fits both perfectly.  The media still acts like thugs, they cheat and lie and they cry like Chuck Schumer whenever anyone takes a shot at them.

And what does that do to me? It makes me root all the louder for President Trump. I laugh hysterically when Chuck Schumer and Van Jones cry. I cheer until I get hoarse when Trump pulls the strings to make the puppets dance. I pay attention to every speech made by Pelosi waiting for her to insert her foot into her oMark-Sanchez-butt-fumble-maddenwn … ummm … mouth. I rapturously watch Abilio “Jim” Acosta dive on the ice and blame Trump for tripping him. The coaches for the moral aristocracy call in play after play and claim victory. Trump forces them into a butt-fumble time and time again. Pure joy.

Does this all make me a bad person? It might, I am not sure. Trump may not be who I wanted to win at first, but I can tell you the democrats and the media have made me root for him to crush them and leave them crying. I might be a bad person but I am not alone.

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